Thank you for making Jess’ Cake Celebration such a success
Thank you so much to everyone who made Jess’ Cake Celebration such a success. It was a wonderful turnout, and we were overwhelmed by the support for Jess’ charity. Thanks to the extremely generous donations of everyone who supported the event, an incredible total of £1692.36 (updated: £1760) was raised, every penny of which will be used to fund music therapy.
We couldn’t have done this without the huge amount of support from everyone who made the event happen. Many thanks to all the helpers for their hard work making drinks, serving cake, running the raffle and generally running around making sure everything ran smoothly. A huge thank you to all the bakers for the wonderful cakes, all of which were sold. Thank you to Daisy Williamson, Music Therapist on the Children’s Ward at Ipswich Hospital, for the beautiful harp music, and thank you to all who donated the fantastic raffle prizes.