Thank you so much to the Woodbridge Festival of Art and Music Committee for selecting our charity to receive the very generous donation of £300 from the money raised at their first festival held in August 2019. We are extremely grateful to family friend Becky Hamilton-Wright for nominating Jess Grant Celebration for this donation. Henry Creagh, one of the festival organisers, very kindly had the following to say about Jess Grant Celebration: “It’s a great cause and an inspiring idea to be able to help people, especially children through music in this way, and just the kind of thing that the festival is all about.”
Thank you very much to Henry for providing the following information about the Woodbridge Festival of Art and Music, its aims and their plans for this year’s festival. We will keep everything crossed for them that they are able to hold this year’s festival at some stage.
“The Woodbridge Festival of Art and Music was set up to be a creative event for the town that would inspire and encourage arts and creative industries in the local area, and give audiences a high quality experience of local, national and international acts. We also wanted to inspire the next generation of artists by getting local schools and organisations involved in the festival, and by raising money for creative education for young people in Suffolk.
As well as being multi art form, diverse and accessible, we also have a strong sustainability message both in the way we do things at the event and through collaboration with local green organisations.
Under the present circumstances, (which I’d like to but can’t avoid mentioning), we do hope to put on an event in the town once its safe to do so. Because we’re fairly small, and mainly voluntary, we think we can do this at short notice once the moment arises, so please watch this space.”