Jess Grant Celebration Cake Sale Success
Thank you very much to everyone who helped to make yesterday’s Cake Sale such a lovely afternoon. We were blown away (not just by storm Dennis!) by the amount of support Jess Grant Celebration received yesterday. An incredible total of £479.50 was raised thanks to the brilliant turnout and everyone’s generous donations. Cake, tea and good friends…Jess would have loved it ♥️
Thank you so much to everyone who braved the elements and came along and supported. It was lovely to see so many familiar faces, and also to welcome some new friends of Jess Grant Celebration.
A massive thank you to everyone who helped at the event. It really would be impossible to put on an event like this without the help and support of all the lovely friends who offered to help out.
Many thanks to all the bakers for all their hard work. What an amazing array of delicious cakes we had on offer.
We would like to thank Cedarwood School, Jess’ primary school for all their support. Not only did they offer their fantastic facilities, but the Parents and Friends of Cedarwood very kindly donated some beautiful cakes to our event.
Finally (before this turns into an Oscars Award speech) more very exciting cake news is on its way! Another Jess Grant Celebration cake sale was very kindly held yesterday by our good friends the Allisons. We’ll be thanking them properly and letting you know the grand total from our cake sales very soon….