Kesgrave High School raise a staggering £3574.71 :-)
We are so excited to share our news! Throughout the academic year, Kesgrave High School Sixth Form have been organising events and challenges to fundraise for Jess Grant Celebration in memory of Jess. You may remember the non-uniform day in the Autumn term that raised a fantastic £500! But, they didn’t stop there! At the end of last year, the Sixth Form Committee set the challenge to run a virtual marathon over a period of 12 weeks, starting with the annual Santa Run. In total, Kesgrave High School have raised a staggering £3,574.71 😍🥳❤🏃. This is by far the highest total raised by any group of individuals for Jess’ charity. We can’t thank Kesgrave High School enough for all their wonderful fundraising; it means so much to us that Jess’ peers picked her charity to raise money for in her memory.
We’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of the Year 13s the very best in whatever they are going on to do in the future.